Notice: All of Ralaine's writings are copyrighted. Permission is needed for use.

Monday, April 18, 2016

When I first began writing my story, many asked, "Is it cathartic?"
With a vehement shake of the head I'd snap, "NO!"

I wondered why some thought reliving the most painful days of my life could provide the slightest bit of therapy.

I've been writing for almost thirteen years. My response to that question has progressed from...It's all painful... I don't think so..., maybe...,  
To where on more days than not, I'm likely to say, "Sometimes."

My point of view changed when I wrote about a difficult court session. In real time, I wondered where the favor of Yahweh (Father's actual name) was for my family and me. By all the circumstances in play, it seemed evident the child of darkness held a greater advantage.

When I wrote about that scene, I placed myself back in time and recorded it as it unfolded. In a moment, I felt pulled into a new perspective. Things I'd not considered before, I now scribed on my page. I missed it years before, but in the telling He made Himself known. Father's light was very much present and at work for our benefit.

I still believe the saying, "Don't look back, there's no future in it." But I would recommend taking a walk down memory lane with Yahweh and ask Him to show you the details you missed the first time. His presence and His handiwork will warm your heart.

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