Notice: All of Ralaine's writings are copyrighted. Permission is needed for use.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Is Kindness Insanity?

We've all heard Albert Einstein's famous description of insanity. Though I dare not ever consider The Most High to be insane, I wonder if Yahweh has considered Einstein's definition when using kindness as a means to turn men's hearts?

There is much evidence in the written Word to prove, "His kindness lead men to repentance." This is Yah's A plan, His numero uno method, the first approach for which He'll reach. His Plan B can be felt as a more heavy bearing approach. So why does He use kindness, first, when it yields so little?

If you're like me I interpret Yahweh's kindness as a "pat on the back," I don't stop to consider it a nudge to repent. I usually wait until I am in a most miserable state where I must make a decision - I feel the internal pressure of force to change.

I even see Yah's hand moving me along, arranging circumstances to help me want to put off my poor behavior and choose a better way. His Plan B is effective with me. Still He uses unreliable Plan A first. 

Could it be in my fallen state, Plan B is the method He is forced to use? I wonder if I responded to His kindness differently, how would things change?

When His next kindness is presented, I will begin to train my thoughts toward being conformed into His image. Plan B will no longer be necessary and I can be led, being formed by kindness. I imagine I'll develop kindness as my style as I walk with mankind.

How about you? Are you ready for His kindness?


  1. Ralaine...yes...Plan B is often the way for me. It takes more than a nudge. This was a great article, thanks for sharing. I will share with this Manley as he needs to read this after his very hard day yesterday. Bless you my friend. Can't wait to reconnect in August.

    1. Yes, please share it. Thank you for your comment. And let's see what giving Plan A a spin does in us.


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